Cyberpunk 2077 - We have a hill of juicy information about the game everyone's talking about

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Six years of anticipation is behind us, and makers of The Witcher series have finally demonstrated their new project, the famous Cyberpunk 2077. We still do not have a specific gameplay display, but there is at least a trailer that tells us about the world of this game, the so-called Night City that was in 2077 declared the worst place to live in America.

Judging by small details in the trailer, we can point out that one of the main opponents in the game is a mega-corporation called Arasaka. The story will deal with the conflict between the working class and the corporations that rules the Night City. In the game we will be able to create our own character so this one in the trailer is just a placeholder (although his voice might be the same if you decide for a male character).

At first you can notice that Rockstar's GTA is an obvious role model of announcement, although the link can also be drawn with colorful pallet of Watch Dog 2. In any case, it looks like in Cyberpunk is waiting for us anything and everything - from fun mini games to fierce action. In addition, it is worth mentioning that this trailer is made with the very in-game engine launcher, so at least in theory there is no need to expect a drastic downgrade in the final version.

By the way, while we all were caught up with a new trailer, CD Projekt RED concealed the codes for The Witcher 3. But do not look for them - they're all been used.

UPDATE: Cyberpunk 2077 - We have a hill of juicy information about the game everyone's talking about

We will not play Cyberpunk 2077 anytime soon, but after an hour long E3 demonstration, we've learned a lot of information and shared to you all. It looks like the CD Projekt will not disappoint and that we are expecting a damn good game!

Cyberpunk 2077 as a new game from The Witcher series creators is one of the most anticipated titles in the game industry. But until this E3 about this game we knew virtually nothing. Nearly six years after an initial announcement, the game got its second trailer a few days ago at E3 2018 and the internet exploded!

This trailer has shown a multitude of different scenes, set the world, the atmosphere and the theme of the game, but we have not seen the pure gameplay yet. Still, some journalists at the E3 could see a 50-minute demonstration of the gameplay and they shared their impressions. We've gone through all these impressions and now we pass them over to you in a quick and easy-to-read font. And with a couple of new screenshots.


- Cyberpunk 2077 is played as a first-person shooter but is also a full-fledged RPG
- In the game we will be able to drive cars where the camera can also be switched to a third person
- Of course, the camera switches to the third person also in the cutscenes
- The main character is called 'V' and can be male or female
- at the beginning of the game we adjust the character to our wishes
- visual adaptation of the character at first allows hair, tattoos and clothing to be changed, but not much more
- The stats that we can adjust are: Strength, constitution, intelligence, reflexes, tech and cool
- Cool stats should help in conversations with characters, but it probably has other significance
- The choice of clothing is not just a cosmetic thing
- An apparently plain denim jacket has futuristic features that improve players' stats


- we'll be able to duck behind the cover, run out of the same and shoot blindly in the direction of the enemy
- When we cause damage to enemies, they will release numbers that indicate how much damage we've caused them
- The main character in demo shown at the E3 was a very skilled cyberninja
- It is possible to run and slide into cover as well as slow down time something like in style of Max Payne's bullet-time
- It is possible to make a quick jump in a certain direction, which is very effective in combination with slow-motion
- The game will contain a mountain of weapons, primarily a futuristic firearms
- it is also mentioned a "street-modified, technologically advanced" shotgun that breaks the cover and armor of the enemy
- The Smart Rifle is a rifle with which it is enough to aim in the direction of the opponent and it will shoot the targets with seeking bullets

- Upgrades to body augmentation called Cyberware are an important part of the game
- An optical implant will be able to track the enemy through the walls (but only when upgraded)
- V can with cybernetic swords hack enemies
- Other upgrades allow her to make a double jump, a quick dash to an enemy, and similar
- The game will be very vulgar and crude in the conversation, brutal in the fight
- a scenes of bruised, naked dead bodies and vulgar interrogations are mentioned
- It is confirmed that there will be also sex, so no surprise there

- In the fight we can have subfighters, at least one as demonstrated so far
- that subfighter is called Jackie and he is a big jacked up Latino character
- Jackie can run through the walls and lift cars to serve as a cover
- Jackie was present as the main character and subfighter throughout the E3 demo
- It is not known if we will be able to replace Jackie for another subfighter or add another one throughout the game


- Cyberpunk 2077 takes place in the city of Night City
- it's a fictional metropolis in the area of today's Northern California
- We do not know how big this city is, but they say it looks "massive"
- We know that city contains six separate neighborhoods
- There is no load between loading from one to another
- We will be able to explore the city on foot, but also with various futuristic vehicles
- driving through the city looked impressive and smooth in the presentation
- yet, it is not yet known how much time and attention is devoted to the simulation of traffic
- Some of the characters in the city are driving flying cars, and we assume we can also try them

- Every item we find in the world can be inspected in detail in the inventory
- Inspecting such items can reveal details about the background story and the world
- An impressive 'crowd technology' is mentioned, which makes Night City streets look alive
- The world works very dynamically with hundreds of people on the screen at one point
- People walk in the streets, talk, quarrel and fight, police investigates crimes ...
- Futuristic upgrades include augmentations everywhere, as well as futuristic clothing
- Everyone says the graphics are fantastic and push the limits of what we thought was possible on consoles


- Although the demo lasted for 50 minutes, it's hard to say what the main story is
- It seems that the main character is a mercenary who is doing anything for money
- At the beginning of the game you can choose your "life path"
- the choice of this background of your character will affect the rest of the game
- "life path" includes the choice of characters that affected V at the beginning
- in the displayed mission, the player must for a guy named Dex acquire a piece of technology
- this simple mission quickly gets complicated and gives the choice of how to proceed
- it seemed as though the interaction with the characters could have a great effect on the outcome of the mission

- Dialogues allegedly are not static switching from character to character
- Conversations take place in real time and we can walk around while we talk with NPC
- When we want to see the dialogue options, we can turn to the character and focus on it
- Usually three to four dialogue options were on screen at the same time, no more than that
- in a variety of tense scenes dialogues can calm the attackers and take the scene in a different direction

These are all the details we've got from the preview of a few media articles, including PC Gamer and VG247. Everyone was impressed with seen and said the wait paid off.

It should be carried in mind that such demonstrations almost always leave a good impression as they are largely directed specifically for E3. The question is whether the Cyberpunk 2077 will be able to keep that impressive initial impression throughout its lifetime. In other words, we do not know for sure whether the fight and dialogues will be dynamic as in demo, will Night City act so lively and dense throughout the game, and whether RPG elements such as dialog options will have a significant impact on the development of the story all the way to the end. But knowing the CD Projekt and how the games work, all this is quite possible.

The date of release is not known yet, but as soon as we know something we will write about it right here.

Tagged with: Cyberpunk themes, E3 2018, Games like GTA, Microsoft @ E3 2018

Replies • 37

Pressure must be pretty high at CDPR. They only have the witcher series under their belt and Witcher 3 is the only game that was actually a massive hit.

So Cyberpunk will dictate whenever they are a 1 hit wonder or not. People should reserve their hype until a gameplay trailer hits. Getting so hyped will only harden the fall if it turns out disappointing, as it did with Fallout 4.


на Е3 все новые игры круто выглядят, только когда они выходят, оказывается, что это не совсем то что обещали =)
